This is the beautiful campground we visited instead: Chez Belley!!!

(the boys put the fire out with waterguns!!)
Playing in the water/on the beach: (which, btw, also included getting sunburnt...ouch!)
Picture taking:
We headed home after a long day of fun in the sun!! Once back at the Belley Campground, we ate supper, and repeated the events of the night before, with one notable exception:

Sunday we hung out, enjoying the pool and yard. We broke into groups for devotions. Nancy led the kids (under 12) in a neat devotion. They had to make it through the powder, into the square without getting powder in the square. Do you get the analogy?
What a great week-end that was! There are so many stories to tell, so many more pictures to see...if you want more, you'll just have to be at Grace Church on Sunday!! :0)
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