Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Bec-Que-Quois Week-end

This past week-end was our pioneer camp out week-end. We were scheduled to go to this lovely place: Voyageur Park

This is the beautiful campground we visited instead: Chez Belley!!!

Friday night we started up the week-end by setting up camp, swimming, snacking, doing a devotional and watching a movie...phew!! Saturday morning we all woke up ready for ADVENTURE!! (ok, so some of us JUST woke up...barely...) We headed to Voyageur Park for the day. At the park we enjoyed hot dogs, cooked over open flame....

(Apparently, some of us are more familiar with hot dogs than others...)

(the boys put the fire out with waterguns!!)


Playing in the water/on the beach: (which, btw, also included getting sunburnt...ouch!)

Picture taking:

We headed home after a long day of fun in the sun!! Once back at the Belley Campground, we ate supper, and repeated the events of the night before, with one notable exception:

Sunday we hung out, enjoying the pool and yard. We broke into groups for devotions. Nancy led the kids (under 12) in a neat devotion. They had to make it through the powder, into the square without getting powder in the square. Do you get the analogy?

What a great week-end that was! There are so many stories to tell, so many more pictures to see...if you want more, you'll just have to be at Grace Church on Sunday!! :0)

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