Monday, June 16, 2008
Have you EVER...
Friday, June 13, 2008
Where Do I Disappear To On Thursdays?

Having her blood pressure of the first steps...
I didn't get pics of her being hooked up, I was singing the shark song...Aunty Vera is looking VERY sick on purpose...just so everyone knows she NEEDS me to come ;0) The machine to her left is is where her blood passes through, having plasma removed and albumin put in to replace it.
This is Michele, one of the nurses in the unit. She is an awesome nurse, caring, attentive, knowledgeable, and just plain fun too!
So, now you know where I am if you can't find me on a Thursday!
Just When You Think You Know Someone!
She can "palm" a coin!! As much as I've tried, I've never been able to do THAT!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
So Sweet!

A Bec-Que-Quois Week-end
This is the beautiful campground we visited instead: Chez Belley!!!

(the boys put the fire out with waterguns!!)
Playing in the water/on the beach: (which, btw, also included getting sunburnt...ouch!)
Picture taking:
We headed home after a long day of fun in the sun!! Once back at the Belley Campground, we ate supper, and repeated the events of the night before, with one notable exception:

Sunday we hung out, enjoying the pool and yard. We broke into groups for devotions. Nancy led the kids (under 12) in a neat devotion. They had to make it through the powder, into the square without getting powder in the square. Do you get the analogy?
What a great week-end that was! There are so many stories to tell, so many more pictures to see...if you want more, you'll just have to be at Grace Church on Sunday!! :0)
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thanks Ange!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Our Winnie-Friend
This is my friend Winnie.
Rather than dwell on my sadness, I'll share some moments from our first field trip together, to the Botanical Gardens to see the butterflies. We all had such a great time, I'm thankful for the wonderful memories we made that day!

Arriving at the Gardens...with HER boys!

One of our favourite orchids!
Winnie said this one looked like trouble...sticking it's tongue out at her!
One of the pretty!
Winnie...with an 85 year old Bonsai! She has that thing beat!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

(No more french...WooHoo...[with spelling mistakes])
I guess we need to teach the kids that this is not a democracy...