Friday, December 20, 2013


Today Stewie was trying to be helpful!  How sweet!  One of the boys was misbehaving, so he checked his stocking for coal!!  Do you know which boy?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Over an open fire...

After his visit to the fridge, Stewie aimed for a warmer activity.  Do you think this is better??

His marshmallows were nice and toasty!  

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Stewie was missing the cold of his homeland, so he decided to sneak in here...

I'm surprised his teeth weren't chattering!  Kaleb has decided not to talk to him for a few dare Stewie prefer coke??  I, on the other hand, am very proud!  Coke beats Pepsi every time!  What do you think?

Monday, December 16, 2013


Let me introduce you to Stewie. 

We've adopted him.  He needed a home, so we gave him one.  The only thing is,  Stewie is not used to living with people, you know, full sized people.  Sometimes he gets in to trouble.  Especially because he is nocturnal and we are sleeping at night, so we aren't able to guide and teach him in the ways he should go.  I'd like to share some of his shenanigans with you.  But, shhhhh!  We don't want him to be embarrassed, so don't tell him about this blog series!  

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Visitors from another....province!

This ragged looking duo showed up at our door, camping gear in car, for a short stay.  And what a blessing it was!  It was perfect timing to distract from the funeral and loss.  I love having friends that
 are more like family!!  Friends you can not feed, not entertain, and yet they still come back and welcome you back with open arms!!  There were no big special moments, just the easy comfort of good friends!!

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Birthday Boy!

It's Gaetan's second birthday of 2013 today.  Seeing as we celebrate twice, I've always wondered if he is now 86??  He looks awfully good for an 86 year old!!!  

What to say about the birthday boy?  We all know he is hard working, industrious, a good provider, a good dad, a loving husband....

But did you know... He can also be a wild man??  ( and though I've only heard him yell twice, I appreciate his occasional wildness :))

He has good lungs, but an even better heart, in both ways.

I have never known him to be prideful, he is the humblest man I've met.  Of course he doesn't think so, that would be contradictory.

All in all, he's one fine catch!  We are SO blessed that he was born 43 years ago!!

Oh, yeah, and if you think the cake looks good check out my food blog later today for the recipe!  It is my new favorite cake! I will definitely be making it for thanksgiving!  Mmmmm!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer Crafting

As is the usual for me, I've been dealing with my feelings of sadness and loss by crafting.  It's particularly bittersweet knowing creating was a connection I shared with Nicole.  So, as I strive to return to "normal", I share with you my summer crafts.  

This is my favorite addition to my decor, our summer to do list.  I wish it were under glass so I could actually check things off as we do them!!!  And here it is in the full setting:

Here are a few other little things I have put together.  Summer has always been a hard time for me to decorate, not sure why.  This year I feel I have found my groove, or sort of anyway!!

Last but not least, these three frames above the table still contain my spring pictures.  Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do for summer?

Saturday, July 13, 2013


We are visiting Grammy for the week-end.  It's nice and quiet, and not too hot! In the evening we have watched movies, had ice cream and oohed and ashes at the sunset.  Relax au max!

Gaetan and I have also been able to chat about our plans for the fall, him being on disability, and the boys being in school.  We both feel a load is off now that we have a plan!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

The end of wisdom...

Kaleb had all 4 wisdom teeth removed 3 days ago.  Once he was frozen it took all of 15 minutes to actually cut the gum, cut the tooth, pull the pieces out and stitch the gum closed.  While waiting, Kaleb was pretty nervous, but afterwards, with the help of some drugs, he was giddy with relief!! 

Blogging on the go!!

I feel bad for not keeping up my end of the family blogging.  With 3 teens my life is busy but not as entertaining as when they were younger.  But the guilt and an iPhone blogger app have made me feel that I should give blogging a try here goes nothing!!!