Saturday, July 13, 2013


We are visiting Grammy for the week-end.  It's nice and quiet, and not too hot! In the evening we have watched movies, had ice cream and oohed and ashes at the sunset.  Relax au max!

Gaetan and I have also been able to chat about our plans for the fall, him being on disability, and the boys being in school.  We both feel a load is off now that we have a plan!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

The end of wisdom...

Kaleb had all 4 wisdom teeth removed 3 days ago.  Once he was frozen it took all of 15 minutes to actually cut the gum, cut the tooth, pull the pieces out and stitch the gum closed.  While waiting, Kaleb was pretty nervous, but afterwards, with the help of some drugs, he was giddy with relief!! 

Blogging on the go!!

I feel bad for not keeping up my end of the family blogging.  With 3 teens my life is busy but not as entertaining as when they were younger.  But the guilt and an iPhone blogger app have made me feel that I should give blogging a try here goes nothing!!!