Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Despotism is a form of government by a single authority, either an individual or tightly knit group, which rules with absolute political power. In its classical form, a despotism is a state where a single individual (the Despot) wields all the power and authority embodying the state, and everyone else is a subsidiary person. This form of despotism was common in the first forms of statehood and civilization; the Pharaoh of Egypt is exemplary of the classical Despot.

And what does that have to do with anarchy?

If my boys lived under despotism, they would rebel and that would be anarchy.

BTW, Mike wins, being the first to define despotism without the aid of a dictionary OR an 11 year old boy. Way to go Mike!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Next Question

"What is antidisestablishmentarianism?"
"And is that really the longest word?"
"And MOM, can you spell it?"
"Yes, a-n-t-i-d-i-s-e-s-t-a-b-l-i-s-h-m-e-n-t-a-r-i-a-n-i-s-m, yup, that's it."
"No, you spelled it wrong, it's i-t."
"Where? There's not "i-t" in antidisestablishmentarianism.... oh..OH.. i-t, got it, good one, well aren't you smart?

And, because I know my kids read my blog, I present to you from Wikipedia:

Main article: Longest word in English
The longest scientific term in English is the full chemical name of the world's largest known protein, titin. Beginning with Methionyl... and ending with ...isoleucine, the word contains 189,819 letters.
The 45 letter word Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest English word that appears in a major dictionary. Originally coined to become a candidate for the longest word in English, the term eventually developed some independent use in medicine. It is referred to as "P45" by researchers.
Antidisestablishmentarianism, at 28 letters, is the longest non-coined, non-technical English word. It refers to a 19th century political movement that opposed the disestablishment of the Church of England as the state church of England.

Postscript: I still cannot believe I fell for that old joke. *sigh*

Monday, April 27, 2009

What Was That?

This is a beautiful picture of my boys enjoying some watermelon with their Dad, discussing the questions Josh writes down in his journal. Questions such as: What causes sickness? Who is the most imaginative person I know?
The question of the moment?
What does anarchy mean?

This is my husband's face when he hears the response from one of the boys:

What was the response? "I think it may have something to do with despotism."

BONUS POINTS: To anyone who can tell me what despotism is, without the use of a dictionary, or an 11 year old boy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

SHHHHH! Don't tell HIM!

Josh is very shy about showing you his face...

Why? You ask. Because we had lots of fun at Nanny and Poppy's Sunday night. So much fun that some boys (not to mention any names) decided to show their younger cousins how to suck on a cup until it sticks to your face. Lots of fun, right?
Yes, it's all fun and games until mom actually takes a picture to show the world. Please don't tell him you heard it from me....